My editor Kent Kimes at Weekly Surge has put me on to another upcoming cover story, and I am grateful for the opportunity. This kind of work puts me in touch with a wide cross section of people - and provides the opportunity to "plug in" to the community and to the Grand Strand. This is what I want.
The snag - I have five days to put all of this in order. Once I have my interview subjects in order and other checklist items squared away, I can begin the writing process.
Organization is key, and I find that pieces seem to steamroll and take shape very quickly after that. The idea is to apply the seat of one's pants to the chair, and that's half the battle.
Delivering a great product by deadline is the other half.
Venting, venting.
Good luck bro and let me know if I can help out.
"It takes 20 years to make an overnight success" Eddie canter
You can do this, no problem.
Go to it...
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