Without the roar of V-Twins here in Dirty Myrtle, the silence is deafening.
Played two gigs at Wimpy's last week. Big misunderstanding about what to do with our gear the first night. We left it onstage but pushed it back in case another band needed to play. Also left our trailer emblazoned with logos, etc, which didn't go over well with the band who was supposed to play outside the second day. Just for the record: Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Saturday, fairly good turnout at Still Smokin' in Surfside Beach - although bikers seem a bit leery to try a new spot, opting rather to hit up the same spots like Suck Bang Blow or HB Spokes. All in all, though, Sick Stooges had a great time.
Tomorrow night it's back to one of our favorite spots, Nesbitt's Jackass Saloon in Calabash, where we have been playing regular shows with outstanding attendance. This place is low key, with free pool, great food and drink specials. We like playing there for many reasons - one being that the crowd is one that we don't necessarily see in Myrtle Beach. There is never a cover, and folks seem to have a great time.

Onward and upward.
Must mention that my daughter, Taylor, did an outstanding job with the Myrtle Beach Middle School Orchestra last night for their final show of the year. Happy to report that she's going to Music Camp on a scholarship this summer. Good-o! My niece, Katie Yale, performed her last concert with the High School orchestra, and will be a USC Trojan next year!
My son, Wesley, is gearing up for Seahawk Football - JV. Rigorous training going on as he makes the transition from middle to High School. Can anyone say two-a-days? They're coming up.
1 comment:
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I appreciate you adding me as a favorite. I have not found any other bloggers here at the beach. I am so glad you enjoy my ramblings. Blogging is amazing. I have come in contact with some great people. I started writing on Sunday Scribblings and have branched out. I don't think we have met but you might know my son, Josh Wainright. He owns QuantumTalent.com here at Myrtle.
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