Monday, December 8, 2014

A Birthday Letter to My Twins

My Dear Wesley and Taylor:

Tomorrow you turn 21.  A very happy birthday to you both. 

21? I must have blinked somewhere along the way – and now can say unequivocally that we have been through so much together. We have a history spanning decades now, and this makes my head spin. How about you two? Does it trip you out to be full-on adults now?

You have both proven to be such blessings – and it’s impossible to think about my life without you in it.

I am a twin and you are twins. This in itself is amazing. We are part of a club, and are all too aware of what the bond means. You have taught me things only you could teach me, and without even realizing it perhaps. How to be a father – your dad. About patience, about joy – the thrill of seeing you grow and mature. The precious memories of your beyond-cute moments and milestones.

And now you are embarking on adulthood. I am sure I fell short in so many ways, broke promises and let you down. For this I am truly sorry.

But from Day One I have loved you. And you know this. Forever and Always. I am so very proud of you two, and eternally grateful that you decided to look down from heaven and say, “We’ll take that one. He needs help."

Happy birthday, my loves.

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