Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Letter to My Blog

Every now and then the urge hits to create a blog post, but sometimes I think my time would be better served just keeping a private journal - like I did for more than thirty years - the countless spiral, legal and fancy notebooks socked away in boxes in my storage unit.

For several years, the journal entries dried up and I have taken periodic stabs at blogging - but part of me doesn't see the point. I mean, who is going to throw out my journals when I cross over - and how can I hope to compete with real bloggers with something uber-relevant to say? Would my blog simply be a public peek into my journals?

I think one of the reasons the journal entries stopped is because I have been busy writing for publication. In the past, this was an intermittent affair - but thankfully the work keeps coming now and I hope this continues. But there is so much going on behind the scenes - the mundane and the crazy - the serendipitous and the serene - that I feel compelled to saddle up once again and at least start posting consistently. Case in point - this blog has been dormant since 2010.

OK. So I can blame writing for publication for my absence. Or perhaps raising my twins - or working, or gigging, or drinking....

But doesn't each of these excuses carry the potential for compelling content? If not now, when?

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