Happy to report that
Sick Stooges are still rocking the Coast with gigs almost weekly, and working during the "off season" is a blessing, indeed.
A while back, we had to say farewell to bassist/vocalist Steve Panetti so that he could be more present with his family. Very talented cat, that Steve.

But after auditioning several guys to fill that void, we were happy indeed to count Tim Hoback as a Sick Stooge. Tim's a talented musician, has been a working musician for many years - has a wicked funny sense of humor - and is a lefty like drummer Barry Allen. Right-handed guitarists watch out for a bass neck where you don't expect it!
Welcome, Tim Ho!

So we continue to "Stoogify" the Grand Strand and beyond. Most recently we took a road trip to Wilmington, playing a local venue down there called
Kefi. Great folks work there, and a supportive and energetic crowd was on hand, especially the second night.
Here are some highlights:

We're still rocking like we're in high school - and will never grow up!
See www.sickstooges.com for a full listing of shows and appearances.
In April, we'll be playing with tribute bands Abbey Road and Satisfaction at the
Carolina Entertainment Complex in Marion - and look for us on Fox's "Not the News" in support of that event.
The Grand Strand is a magical place.